My Journey into Dog Training


Hello! My name is Morgan and I have had a passion for working with animals my whole life. I started fostering dogs when I was 12 and volunteering at a rescue at 14. I quickly learned that many dogs were making their owners lives more difficult than they were bringing joy, and that’s why so many dogs end up in shelters. I tried every training method out there before learning about balanced training. Trust me, I used to be skeptical about e-collars and prong collars too. It wasn’t until I started seriously struggling with my own dog that I started learning about different, effective dog training methods. My personal dog, Gracie used to make my life miserable. She would lunge at dogs, growl at people out in public, and ignore me unless I had a ball or treat in my hand. There was a point that I thought there was no hope for her, as many owners feel with their own dogs. I stopped walking her, taking her places, or giving her the life that she deserved. All because I wasn’t open to a new training/lifestyle approach.

Flash forward three years and Gracie, along with my other two dogs live great lives. They get to go on off leash adventures, I never have to worry about them running away, jumping on guests, or pulling me down the street to get at another dog. We live in harmony, and it is truly a great, stress-free life for us all. I spent a year interning and working with other trainers to gain as much knowledge and experience as possible to help YOU. Now my passion is with the people. I want to help people live the best life possible with their dogs. I am excited to help you and your dog on this journey!

My pack including Gracie(right) who is now my “go anywhere do anything” dog